Early Childhood Development
Early Childhood Development Project
Early Childhood Development Centres exist in many different forms in our communities, some are basic care centres run by elderly community members with no formal training, and others function as ECD centres staffed by teachers with the appropriate qualifications. Grow ECD was engaged to evaluate all eight ECD’s and provide recommendations. Our focus this year is on converting the hospice in Zenzani into a fully functional centre for 50 toddlers which will enable us to move the current unsatisfactory, over-crowded care centre out of the Primary School at Asithuthuke. In addition the Lions River Community ECD which has no water and comprises two run-down Wendy houses requires a significant overhaul, we intend to source a state-of-the-art facility.
Reach Stats
8 ECD Centres, 451 Children, 22 teachers
Project Champion
Akhona Sikhakhane and Steuart Pennington