Teachers and Instructional Functionality
Teachers and Instructional Functionality Project
Improved knowledge and pedagogic skills are an ongoing challenge for all teachers. In this regard, we run regular workshops for our 203 teachers focusing on both motivation and commitment to improvement. Going forward we would like to provide accredited programmes to ensure modern teaching methods are applied across all curricula requirements. This needs to be done on a school-by-school basis with a five year budget. All of our schools are short staffed (See Table 1, page 10), we supplement existing teaching staff by deploying 25 Eduhelpers – young graduates who assist with teaching and administration and receive a basic stipend with the objective of eventually being employed as teachers. Eduhelpers are enrolled in collaboration with the school Principals to ensure they are a correct fit for the culture and vision of the school. Eduhelpers are provided with skills development training once a quarter at Michaelhouse.
Reach Stats
16 schools, 203 teachers, 25 Eduhelpers
Project Champion
Akhona Sikhakhane